This area of the Internship Toolkit addresses the on-going activities and work experiences at the employer’s location. It also addresses the student’s supervision as an intern, by both the school coordinator (Academy Director or other) and the employer supervisor. It is the responsibility of the Academy Director and the employer supervisor to make sure the student is being offered ample opportunity to experience a broad array of tasks, assignments, departments, and people so as to gain a complete sense the diversity of opportunities within the organization and the industry. Along with this experience, the student should be supervised in a manner similar to that appropriate for a new, entry-level worker at the employer’s company. In other words, the student shouldn’t be left alone for extraordinarily long periods of time, nor should he/she be given boring, repetitive tasks (such as answering the phone or filing) for great lengths of time. Rather, the entire internship experience (from six to ten weeks) should be planned and laid out prior to the student’s arrival so that the student, the school, and the employer have a clear idea of the expectations from all sides. Such measures insure that the breadth and diversity of the experience are guaranteed.