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What if an Academy student is a resident alien, but is still awaiting his or her green card in the spring?
Is a student eligible for placement if he or she fails an Academy class such as Economics & the World of Finance and makes it up in the spring?
What should the director do about a student who refuses to remove metal facial adornements?
There are a handful of students to place with minimal skills. How should this situation be handled?

What if an Academy student is a resident alien, but is still awaiting his or her green card in the spring? [top]
      The Immigration Act of 1986 makes it a crime for companies to hire aliens without suitable documentation.   Students in this situation should be encouraged to seek out an unpaid internship.  Should the student secure appropriate documentation, paid positions may be developed later on during the senior year.  
Is a student eligible for placement if he or she fails an Academy class such as Economics & the World of Finance and makes it up in the spring? [top]
      This decision is up to the director. Such contingencies should be anticipated in the Memorandum of Understanding. Some directors may place risky or marginal students at the bottom of the list of eligible candidates and place them only after all others have been placed.
What should the director do about a student who refuses to remove metal facial adornements? [top]
      The easy answer is to drop him/her from the pool. The tougher challenge is to mentor the student by explaining that his/her chances for employment will be nil if he/she insists on sporting these accoutrements. Here is where the concept of opportunity costs comes into play. If the student’s sense of self-expression precludes his or her ability to see the importance of compromising certain things for the sake of a better future, then this student is probably wrong for the Academy.
There are a handful of students to place with minimal skills. How should this situation be handled? [top]
      If at all possible, try to avoid sending all these interns to the same company. It’s a much better idea to spread them out, preferably as part of a larger group of more capable students. Never try to present the students as being more qualified than they are.  An honest appeal to the HR representative at the sponsor firm may secure a suitable placement.

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