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Career Academy Resource Center
   Internship Toolkit
     Internship Task Outline for Directors

  • 1. Obtain commitments of Internship positions from prospective employers
  • 2. Screen students.
  • 3. Schedule interviews.
  • 4. Notify students and prepare selected students for internships.
  • 5. Prepare employers
  • 6. During the internship:
  • 7. Follow up with students:
  • 8. Follow up with intern supervisor and company:
  • 9. Remember to:

  • 1. Obtain commitments of Internship positions from prospective employers

    • Canvass Advisory Board.
    • Secure commitments from company Advisory Boards.
    • Ask Advisory Board members to help with referrals to other companies.
    • Call on companies who have employed interns in the past.
    • Send mailings to all Academy related companies within your community.  If available, include press clippings and employer reviews about past internships.
    • Arrange to speak at meetings of local business organizations.  Follow up with a letter to each attendee.
    • Arrange for press coverage:  newspaper or on local radio or TV.  Describe the Academy program, special Academy features and events, and emphasize internship needs.

    2. Screen students.

    • Conduct resume writing workshops.  Invite human resources specialist on-site to help with the workshop.
    • Prepare an employment portfolio for each student.
    • Distribute Confidential Teacher Evaluation forms to all Academy teachers.
    • Set deadline for preparation of student resumes.
    • Review resumes and evaluations to make preliminary assessments of students’ suitability for particular types of work.
    If appropriate to your community, work with school district to establish independent study credit for Academy internship experience.

    3. Schedule interviews.

    • Conduct a dress for success seminar in school.
    • Do mock interviews in school prior to the actual interviews.
    • Organize interview “teams”.
    • one Academy representative
    • one or more employer representative (preferably from the human resources department and/or the        department where the interns will be working).
    • Schedule students for interviews with Academy/employers.
    • Collect and analyze interview results.  Make placements.

    4. Notify students and prepare selected students for internships.

    • Internship Placement or No Placement letters should be sent to students.
    • Hold orientation session for students.
    • Check for appropriate employment documentation, i.e.; copies of social security cards.
    • Distribute an Internship Information Packet.

    5. Prepare employers

     Prepare employers by providing them with the following:

    • an information packet describing the goals of the internship experience,
    • a list of student responsibilities, capabilities, and limitations,
    • guidelines to plan in-house mentor programs, lunch seminars, field trips, internship newsletter, end of summer ceremony, or other activities for interns.

    6. During the internship:


    • Visit intern at place of work two weeks into the internship and visit again near the end of internship.  Keep reports.
    • Cooperate with employer-organized activities; provide logistical support.
    • Be available to advise student interns and to consult with and solve problems for employers.
    • Seek press coverage and photos of internships in progress.  (This will be useful in next year’s employer recruitment).

    7. Follow up with students:

    • Obtain written reports and confidential evaluation forms from each student on internship experience.
    • Evaluate each internship report for writing and content.  Meet with students to discuss both strengths and weaknesses from evaluations; suggest strategies for improvement.
    • Determine and submit grades for students receiving high school credit for their internships.

    8. Follow up with intern supervisor and company:

    • Obtain supervisors’ evaluations of students.
    • Write thank you notes to all supervisors (or reminders to those who don’t complete their evaluations on time).
    • Write to CEOs of sponsoring companies.  Include samples of feedback from interns and supervisors.  Encourage them to increase their involvement next year.

    9. Remember to:

    • Report internship statistics to NAF (number of participants, etc.) and send copies of press clippings and feedback from sponsors.  Raise ideas and problems to be shared with other programs.
    • Start developing internships for next year (most companies prepare their budgets in August).

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