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Academy of Finance: Two-Year Program
Each course is one semester. An asterisk (*) indicates a course that was not created by NAF, and is usually included within a high school's curriculum.

Ninth Grade

Tenth Grade
(Pre-Academy - Optional)
Preparedness Skills (Infusion lessons for English/Guidance/Career Awareness
courses using Strategies for Success)

Recruitment, application and selection of students
Students selected for the AOF program will have some of the following pre-Academy coursework, including:

* Infusion of career preparation skills using Strategies for Success
* Business Computer Applications
* Foreign Language

Eleventh Grade
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Economics and the World of Finance
Securities and Insurance (should be given in the junior year for internship preparation)

College Accounting I

* English for Finance (Infusion Materials)

College Accounting II

Summer Internship
Minimum six-eight week paid industry workplace-based experience

Twelfth Grade
Fall Semester Spring Semester

Banking & Credit

International Finance

Financial Planning

* Course at local college such as "Principles of Finance"

* English for Finance (Infusion Materials)


Academy of Finance: Three-Year Program
Tenth Grade
Fall Spring
Introduction to Financial Services I Introduction to Financial Services II
Strategies for Success English for Finance (Infusion Materials: Grade 10)
*Keyboarding/Computer Literacy *Business Computer Applications
*Foreign Language *Foreign Language
*College Accounting I *College Accounting II

Eleventh Grade Twelfth Grade
English for Finance
(Infusion Materials: Grade 11)
English for Finance
(Infusion Materials: Grade 12)
Economics and the World of Finance Banking & Credit
Securities & Insurance (should be given in the junior year for internship preparation)
Financial Planning
Summer Internship
Minimum six-eight week paid industry workplace-based experience
International Finance
*College-level Finance Course

Academy of Finance: Four-Year Program

Ninth Grade

Tenth Grade

English for Finance
(Infusion Materials: Grade 9)

English for Finance
(Infusion Materials: Grade 10)
*Keyboarding/Computer Literacy Introduction to Financial Services I
Strategies for Success Introduction to Financial Services II
*College Accounting I
*Business Computer Applications

Eleventh Grade Twelfth Grade
English for Finance
(Infusion Materials: Grade 11)
English for Finance
(Infusion Materials: Grade 12)
Economics and the World of Finance Banking & Credit
Securities & Insurance (should be given in the junior year for internship preparation ) International Finance

Financial Planning

*College Accounting II

Summer Internship
Minimum six-eight week paid industry workplace-based experience

*College-level Financial Course

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