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Academy Alumni Week

Overview of Academy Alumni Week, April 28 - May 2, 2003

Learning about the NAF Alumni Network is the perfect end-of-year activity to get excited about graduation, learn about life beyond the Academy, and learn about resources available to alumni through the NAF Alumni Network--the newest of resource which was recently launched in summer 2003--The NAF College and Career Center.

Academy Alumni Week 2002 was a celebration of NAF alumni success and an invitation to all Academy seniors to join the alumni community. Click here to see the results of "E-Mentoring for Academy Seniors."

Why should directors participate in alumni week?

What's in it for Academy Directors?  The main reward for directors who promote the benefits of the NAF Alumni Network is  knowing that Academy seniors are connected them to a resource that will be valuable to them throughout their lives.  By participating in Alumni Week, directors will also maintain their eligibility for NAF program grants: Academies with graduating seniors that fail to enroll any alumni will be ineligible for these funding opportunities.
If you have any questions about the Alumni Network or Alumni Week, please contact NAF's Alumni Relations department at NAF's Alumni Relations Department.

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