- Students:
Over 32,000 students are served each year-some who are already focused on their futures, others who are seeking direction and guidance toward a career.
- Board of Directors:
NAF's success in linking the business, education and government communities is largely due to the efforts of an active and dedicated national Board of Directors. NAF's board provides major financial support, guidance on strategic development and program expansion.
- Academy program directors and teachers:
Academy Directors are responsible for the day-to-day management of Academies.
- School administrators:
District superintendents, high school principals and guidance counselors play a critical part in institutionalizing the program within the community.
- Business and government partners:
NAF's corporate and government partners ensure Academy program success through financial contributions, providing paid student internships, mentoring Academy students and teachers and sharing industry expertise.
- Alumni:
NAF graduates remain actively involved with alumni associations, and serve as mentors, internship supervisors and guest speakers for current Academy students.
- National staff:
From its New York headquarters, the national staff provides ongoing support to ensure program quality nationwide. Regional Consultants supplement NAF's core leadership by supporting local Academies.